Research shows employees lose 2 hours a week in productivity due to miscommunication and conflict.
Most leaders and employees have fewer than 4 hours training in communication and conflict resolution. Yet they spend a lot of time dealing with - and losing sleep over - exactly these issues.
Putting off, or avoiding, difficult conversations raises stress, and lowers productivity. Internal and external customer service suffers. And so does your bottom line.
The National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace sets guidelines for organizations to support safe respectful workplaces. This workshop addresses several of the factors set out in the standard.
With proper skills training and support, you can stop both profit and good employees from escaping your organization.
This workshop helps you turn dreaded conversations into courageous dialogues. You will learn how to retain staff, clients, and customers through effective communication. And your team will discover how to work through the challenges that are holding them back.
Learning Objectives:
- What makes communication go sideways (and how to catch it early to get communication back on track)
- How to turn confrontations into a respectful conversation
- The most effective ways to manage drama and emotion that often comes with disagreement, miscommunication and conflict
- Courageous communication: How to communicate so you feel confident, clear and heard
- A road map for difficult conversations, and conflict resolution
- Why follow up communication can help you stand out, be remembered and get more business
Take-Away Strategies & Tools:
- How to turn a confrontation into a respectful conversation
- Simple ways to reduce confrontation and escalation
- 3 ways to manage drama that often surfaces with conflict and miscommunication
- A road map for the courageous dialogue (a conflict resolution model)
- 5 keys to dealing with difficult people and turn them into raving and loyal customers
Additional Information:
- Standard length is 3.5 hours, but this can be extended into a full-day workshop with more skill-building activities, breakout groups, and case studies
- This session is available for virtual or for in-person delivery
- Client will be responsible for speaker travel costs, plus a per diem over and above the speaker fee
- Need additional tailoring of content, or a fully customized session? We're here for you. Book a free needs assessment today so we can uncover exactly what you need and how we can help
get started by scheduling a free needs assessment today